On May 20, Michael Hill, Michael Tymianski and Mayank Goyal will get up extra early (4:00 am Calgary time ) to tell us at 12:00 CET about the development of nerinetide.

Their second trial with this drug, ESCAPE NEXT has now started and a number of centers in the Netherlands will participate from the CONTRAST Consortium. It is interesting for us as CONTRAST researchers to hear from them how the development of this drug went from the first in vitro experiments, via in vivo, small and large animals – and eventually phase 1, 2 and 3 studies.

Michael Tymianski is President and CEA of NONO Inc. The company that developed and produces nerinetide

Michael Hill is a neurologist and head of the Calgary Stroke Unit and co-PI of ESCAPE, ESCAPE-NA1 and ESCAPE-NEXT

We all know Mayank Goyal, he is a neurointerventional radiologist in Calgary and coPI of the same trials as Michael Hill.


12:00 -12:45 TEAMS presentation of nerinetide from bench to bedside.

The meeting will be chaired by Diederik Dippel and Charles Majoie and there will be time for discussion

Registration is mandatory and a link to the meeting will be send around a few days before the meeting.

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