The CONTRAST Young Talent Program (YTP) aims to stimulate and support young researchers in developing and evaluating high quality innovative scientific ideas across the entire range of stroke research, from fundamental and preclinical research, to clinical and population-based research.

We offer young talents the opportunity to apply for a voucher of EUR 50.000,-.

More information:
Call text: click here
Application Form: click here

Think outside the box and submit your idea!

Call opens on June 1st. Deadline for submission is Wednesday July 15th, 17.00 hours.

Results of DIRECT MT trial

May 6 online at :

DIRECT MT is the first RCT clearly demonstrating that mechanical thrombectomy alone using stent retrievers is essentially equivalent to mechanical thrombectomy preceded by iv alteplase in acute ischemic stroke patients with an intracranial large vessel occlusion presenting at a comprehensive stroke center.

This high quality trial will change the landscape of acute ischemic stroke treatment globally, certainly when results are confirmed with other ongoing trials evaluating EVT alone with EVT preceded by IV alteplase (MRCLEAN NO-IV, SWIFT-DIRECT, DIRECT-SAFE and SKIP).

We would like to congratulate the DIRECT-MT investigators in China, in particular Professors Jianmin Liu and Pengfei Yang, with the results and the unprecedented highly efficient and successful execution of the trial, with inclusion of the 656 patients in 20 months in 41 centers all over China!

CONTRAST Intra-consortium Meeting November 27th, 2019 in Rotterdam

CONTRAST workpackage Leaders, PhD students & Postdocs, and research nurses are invited for the CONTRAST intra-consortium meeting on November 27th, 2019 in Rotterdam.

The purpose of this meeting is to bring together the CONTRAST investigators. This time we will gather for in depth discussion of scientific issues concerning microcirculation in patients with acute ischemic stroke. What is known and what is new concerning the role of coagulation cascade and cellular elements such as pericytes. How does this translate to men? We will have renowned investigators from the Netherlands and abroad who will share their knowledge and experience with us. The program can be found here.

The meeting starts at 10:00 AM with, in parallel the scientific committee meeting (for WP leaders only) and an update with tips and trick for trial research nurses and PhD students. The scientific program starts at 11:15. The meeting will be hosted at:

Arminius, congres & debatcentrum
Museumpark 3
3015 CB Rotterdam

Please register here before Friday November 15 to secure your spot. We are looking forward to a great and interactive day.

CONTRAST Young Talent Program awarded two Vouchers in 2019

The CONTRAST Young Talent Program (YTP) aims to stimulate and support young researchers in developing and evaluating high quality innovative scientific ideas across the entire range of stroke research, both in the clinical and/or population-based setting and in preclinical research.

The CONTRAST Young Talent team received a lot of good ideas on the 2019 call for Vouchers. A total of thirteen proposals have been enthusiastically and thoroughly evaluated by a team of foreign established researchers. Based on the available budget for this call for Vouchers, we were able to award a €50.000,- voucher to one clinical and one translational project. We are very pleased to inform you that:

Marc van Moorsel from the Department of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology in awarded a voucher to study: “NEUROLYSE, an innovative biochemical strategy for thrombolysis with an improved safety profile“.

Adrien Groot department of Neurology and Radiology, Amsterdam UMC is awarded a voucher to study: “Machine learning for predicting outcome in older patients after endovascular treatment”.

We wish the awardees a lot of success executing their voucher project and encourage all other young stroke researchers to apply in future calls.

Contrast meeting June 2019

Dear members of the stroke research community,

You are kindly invited for the CONTRAST consortium meeting 2019 on June 12th in Groningen. This edition is hosted at the Groninger Museum, conveniently located at walking distance from Groningen Central Station.

Focus: This edition will focus on the logistics and epidemiology of stroke care in the Netherlands and promises to become an interactive and inspirational day. The CONTRAST WP8 researchers will be your hosts and will challenge you to discuss the organizational models for IAT in the Netherlands in an interactive workshop setting. You will also get updated on the progression of the consortium in the pre-clinical and clinical workpackages during the lunch break and throughout the day there will be ample room for discussion and networking.

Keynotes: We are happy to announce that Prof. Jeffrey Saver, Neurologist, Associate Vice Chair, Director Clinical Neurotherapeutics Research Center, Dept of Neurology van University College Los Angeles has agreed to provide a keynote lecture on the organization and developments of acute stroke care in the USA. Additionally, Dr. Thomas Monks, Principal Research Fellow in Operational Research and Data Science of University of Southampton will provide an overview of the approach taken in the UK within the NHS system.

Program: The complete program can be found here. Accreditation will be requested for NvN, NVvR, NVvN and VSR.

Registration: Please register by filling out the form. Please do so before Monday June 3rd.

We hope to see you all on June 12th in Groningen!

Young Talent Program Call for Proposals

The CONTRAST Young Talent Program (YTP) aims to stimulate and support young researchers in developing and evaluating high quality innovative scientific ideas across the entire range of stroke research, both in the clinical and/or population-based setting and in preclinical research.

The CONTRAST consortium offers young talents the opportunity to apply for a voucher of EUR 50.000,-. Deadline for submission is Friday May 31, 2019 at 17:00.

Further information:
Call for proposals
Application form

If you have questions, please contact:

Presentations online

Nov 21, 2018 – At the successful CONTRAST consortium meeting of November 20 in UMC Utrecht we had lively discussions about impaired microvascular reperfusion in clinical and translational research. CONTRAST investigators may access several presentations including the one of our distinguished keynote speaker professor Gregory del Zoppo from Washington University, Seattle, US. on the CONTRAST consortium plaza.

CONTRAST Young Talent Program awarded two Vouchers

The CONTRAST Young Talent Program (YTP) aims to stimulate and support young researchers in developing and evaluating high quality innovative scientific ideas across the entire range of stroke research, both in the clinical and/or population-based setting and in preclinical research.
The CONTRAST Young Talent team received a lot of good ideas on the 2018 call for Vouchers. A total of nine proposals have been enthusiastically and thoroughly evaluated by a team of foreign established researchers. Based on the available budget for the 2018 call, only 2 proposals could be awarded a €50.000,- voucher.
Ajay Patel from the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group at Radboud University Medical Center Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine received a voucher to study: “Deep Learning for Quantification of Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Perihematomal Edema in NCCT“.
Adriaan van Es from the Department of Radiology Erasmus MC – University Medical Center Rotterdam is awarded a voucher for: “Serial Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI Directly after EVT for Acute Ischemic Stroke: Detecting Incomplete Microvascular Reperfusion in Clinical Practice”.
We wish the awardees a lot of success executing their voucher project and encourage all other young stroke researchers to apply in future calls. A next call is expected to open in spring 2019 to further strengthen the CONTRAST Young Talent Program.